Sunday, February 22, 2009

The African Development Bank

The African Development Bank (AFDB) is a member of the World Bank Group. It is Africa’s leading financial institution, and a multilateral development agency promoting economic development in Africa.

SIMI has worked with AFDB to provide funding and financing for Gambian projects, and has provided them consulting services.

The Bank Group started operations in the Gambia in 1974 and had by 2008 approved 54 operations with total commitments, net of cancellations, of UA 205.8 million. The commitments include investments in transport (25 percent), social sectors (25 percent), agriculture (21 per cent), public utilities (12 per cent), multi-sector (9 percent), the environment (6 per cent), and industry (2 per cent).

For further information on how SIMI help your project become a reality contact us
+220-497 856/951